A technologically sound full stack for your mobile and web application has an impact not just on the speed of the application but also on the time-frame required for the development. The capability to assess the scalability in the future also improves with the right selection of the technology stack. The benefits of being present in this century are that the developers can build different applications without the need to create them from scratch. With the current technological stacks at disposal, developers are able to employ regulated and fixed software stacks that are available easily. 

Developers nowadays are using different permutations and combinations to attain up-to-date results in the process of application development. MEAN stack is one such assemblage of software technology that counts as one of the most preferred tech stacks.  

What is a tech stack?

Tech Stacks are a group of tools that are utilized to build an application. Tech stacks are a blend of different software applications, languages and also frameworks that are important for software application development. 

Tech stacks have two sides namely the frontend which is also known as the client-side and the backend also known as the server-side. When they are combined, they become a stack. 

What is a MEAN stack?

In this competitive jungle, a strong digital presence is an essential ingredient not just for large enterprises but for start-ups too. There are many ways of establishing this but MEAN stack is by far considered the most popular approach. 

MEAN stack is essentially an acronym for Mongo Db, eXPRESS Js, Angular , and Node Js. All of them as mentioned are open-source JavaScript technologies. When they are together they are a highly preferred network. 

More and more of the latest software development applications are constructed out of MEAN. If you’re considering hiring a MEAN Stack Development Company to build your web applications, we give you great reasons to do so. 

MEAN Stack is a collection of user-friendly full-stack JavaScript frameworks including MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node that developers use to build dynamic applications.

In Brief, MEAN stack is

  • Open-source.
  • It is not just well-organized and structured but also is fast-moving also.
  • Each and every layer of application development is conducted with a single language making jobs easier for MEAN stack developers. 
  • MEAN stack also is very versatile because it is equally applicable in both mobile and web applications. 

MEAN stack Architecture

In JavaScript, Angular is the client-side language. A request made by the client immediately gets processed by Angular which then enters Node . This is when the request reaches the 2’nd stage. Once it leaves the server-side, it enters the third stage which is the Express stage. This is where a request is made to the database. With this, the Mongo database extracts all the data and returns the response back to Express which in turn returns to Node and lastly to Angular. 


Source: Peerbits

 Exploring the MEAN stack


Mongo DB is a warehouse for application data. When the object travels in the software, the condition to translate is not required as both the database as well as the application use JavaScript. Mongo DB also performs extremely well as it is highly scalable. Mongo DB excels in the holistic management of data irrespective of the size. MEAN stack developers are advantaged as they can conveniently add fields to ease their workload. 

Our deep MongoDB analysis:

Based on some important parameters it is crucial to see how MongoDB is an important part of the MEAN stack.

Google Search:

Google search is one of the strongest indicators to assess the growth of Big Data technologies. According to Google trends, MongoDB is exponentially growing at 2000%. The growth is higher compared to any other technology since 2009. 


Source: MongoDB.com


According to Brandwatch, a noted platform that monitors and observes different blogs and forums on different platforms, have also confirmed that MongoDB is the fastest-growing community in Big Data. 


Source: MongoDB.com

Stack overflow:

Stack Overflow is considered as a top Q&A site for programmers and MEAN stack developers. With the help of tags, one can understand which topic is hot and which is not. Apart from this, the follower count indicator also is an important element to consider success. With the help of the stack exchange query tool, it was revealed that the questions tagged with MongoDB are growing at a blazing speed compared to others. From September 2009 to 2013 the growth was 2000 times more. 


This framework functions as the backend for MEAN stack applications. It helps in the communication between the database and the frontend of the web application. With the help of this backend framework, smooth data transfer is facilitated. It also avoids the efforts of MEAN stack developers from over-writing variables. 


This is a front-end framework used for developing client-side applications. It has a wide variety of templates which are also easy to use. 

Revisiting historical data from the past one year will help us understand how well Angular is performing.

The trend shows stability considering a gamut of technological changes.

In comparison to other Javascript libraries, Angular has maintained its hold on its growth and the traffic. The trend has been caught effectively in the graph below.

Don’t’ forget to read: Advantages of Updating Your Framework From AngularJS to Angular.

With the Angular 9 Beta version launched, Angular is set to dominate the technical circuits for a long time. Learn more about the all-new features of Angular 9 with our well-researched article. 


ExpressJs has been built on NodeJs often considered the foundation of ExpressJs. It also interacts with Angular for rapid data serving. It has an in-built web server that helps MEAN stack developers to set up MongoDB onto the cloud. Its rapport with low-resource requisitions is also positive vis-a-vis a heavily resourced request. 

Observing the historical trend with the below-given graph will help us understand its pattern and growth from the last year. 

A comparison with other web servers in terms of traffic and growth also has put Node Js in the top slot. All your questions about NodeJs development are answered here on our well-detailed blog. 

Why is MEAN stack the best tech-stack?

1. Eloquent adaptability-

Software development with MEAN stack enables the MEAN stack developers to test the application on the cloud with remarkable ease. It helps the developers to generate and introduce proper testing measures seamlessly. MEAN stack developers also can add additional information after the field is added to the form. The full cluster support with automatic reproduction is possible with MongoDB framework. 

2. Profitable to use-

The number of MEAN stack developers required for a project is much less compared to other tech stacks. Most of the other stacks demand that the developers are proficient in other technologies like MySQL, JavaScript, and PHP. But, the MEAN stack relies completely on how well-versed the developer is with JavaScript making it cost-effective. MEAN stack also has a flourishing community and a rich ecosystem as it is open-source and free. The codes are shared and reused easily diminishing any developmental hiccups. It also reduces a considerable time leading to a reduction in overall costs. 

3. Easier Isomorphic coding-

A recognizable advantage that comes with MEAN stack development is its ability to transfer codes from one framework to another easy. Thanks to this feature, productivity increases massively with a major boost in performance. Added to this, the data transfers across the different stages happen in the form of JSON type(JavaScript Object Notation).

4. Compatible with Cloud-

MEAN stack also uses libraries and public resources which considerably reduces the cost of development. MongoDB offers easy integration of cloud features reducing the cost of disk space. 

5. Re-usability and high speed-

NodeJs has a non-blocking architecture that renders MEAN stack development speedier and also reusable. Angular offers MEAN tech stack with the advantage of reusability, testability and also easy maintenance. Angular also competes against its rivals offering many UI libraries for better compatibility with HTML. With such features, it is easily adaptable. It has a two-way data binding that helps in the crystal clear distinction of presentation from UI logic. After development, libraries can be coherently reused for both frontend and backend contributing to productivity. 

6. Use of single language-

MEAN stack technologies are equivalent to a single code usage both at the client-side and server-side. For MEAN stack developers both backend and frontend MEAN stack development are very easy to learn. There are absolutely no pressure compatibility questions of code.  The development process is simple, neat and easy making it easier for grasping the finer details in the software development process. As a MEAN stack developer, you have to understand and master the ECMAScript the JavaScript universe. The understanding has to be thorough from the presentation stage with Angular to the database layer powered with MongoDB. 

7. Quality assurance-

Software developed using the MEAN stack will also support automated testing. If any feature experiences a break-down the MEAN stack developers will have instantaneous wisdom of it. You can hire our MEAN stack developers to keep a constant tab on your quality. The best way to assure quality is to merge it with the developmental stage which is primarily what MEAN does. 

8. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-

JSON is ubiquitous in the MEAN stack. Both Node and Angular offer JSON and MongoDB also stores all the data in JSON format. JSON also is utilized by Express. JSON and MEAN stack are synonymous. It is because of this association that the data flow is smooth without making any big changes to the layers. 

Get Lean with MEAN

Businesses of today require rapid development of application archetypes with scalable designs. Developers also need a tech stack that gives them liberty and flexibility in development with locally owned schema and several built-in support features. MEAN stack is a great bundle for software application development that is a lucrative choice to make. 

As a fully-sourced MEAN stack development company, we can provide the required stability in the product and OS compatibility. If you are a business looking for software development services, the MEAN stack can help you streamline your workflow augmenting growth and customer satisfaction.  
